
6. September 2020

Igel im Garten / Hedgehog in the garden

 Ohne Angst und gemütlich 

krabbelte dieser Igel durch den Garten, 

lies sich gerne Fotografieren und 

machte als Model einen tollen Job...


Ein Artikel über uns in der Zeitung, habe ich mich ehr darüber gefreut...
Ein Artikel, über uns und unser Hobby, in der Tageszeitung

29 Kommentare:

  1. Good morning Famous Frank! You are a star! What could be nice than to have a hedgehog visit your garden? A few years ago when we visited the UK my wife was longing to see this creature above all others and her wish came true in the backyard of fellow blogger, Richard Pegler. I hope you are doing well during this pandemic which seems unwilling to let go of us. All the best from Canada. David

  2. Hallo Frank.
    Was für schöne Bilder du vom Igel gemacht hast.
    Aber es ist toll, dass Sie in der Zeitung sind, Sie werden wahrscheinlich viele Besucher auf Ihren Blog bekommen.
    Grüße Tinie

  3. Hoi Frank. Hele moooie fotos van de egel. En je staat nog un de krant ook. Gefeliciteerd. Groeten Caroline

  4. Åhh for en fin liten piggsvin😊Flotte bilder av den.Veldig bra med det innlegget i avisen.Du er en vakker mann og flink å ta bilder av naturen

  5. Hello Frank,
    Great how you have photograph this hedgehog. So special to see him at the day.
    They are so cute. I saw this yaer one walking through my garden late in the evening.
    Great shots Frank!!

    Greetings, Marco

  6. Unas fotos espectaculares del erizo a plena luz del día, extraordinarias. Frank enhorabuena por las fotos y por el artículo de la prensa, es fantástico que se haga difusión de nuestro hobby y nuestra forma de vivir la vida. Un fuerte abrazo desde el norte de España.

  7. Aquí, se les aprecia mucho, sobre todo la gente del campo que tiene huertas ya que es capaz de eliminar todo lo que de problemas, incluso las víboras. Por desgracia es relativamente frecuente verlos atropellados. Enhorabuena por el reportaje en el periódico. Un saludo.

  8. Wonderful Frank, in broad daylight too. Mine are not around at the moment, they must be on holiday. Stay safe. Mike.

  9. Beautiful pictures.. and congrats for the newspaper article..
    Kinds regards

  10. Hello Frank, great to see you and your blog got a lot of attention of the news paper. Well deserved!!! The Hedge Hog in your garden is nice. Do you feed them during the dry days and do you have water for them. They are having big troubles to survive with this hot summers.


  11. Beautiful photos and congratulations on the article in the newspaper

  12. Hi Frank,
    You had a hedgehog in your garden, we had it too. But the difference is that you saw it very clearly so that you were able you make a number of great shots of the animal. With us it was hidden so much between leaves that you could hardly see it. We found it because the dog of one of our daughters had smelled it.
    Years before we saw them more regularly, even a mother with two kids. We were glad this time that we saw that hedgehogs are still moving around. Congratulations that an interview with you was published in a newspaper.
    Greetings, Kees

  13. Hi Frank, congrat to the article and great meeting in your garden !

  14. Hi Frank, Congrat to a nice article and a great meeting in the garden !

  15. Hallo Frank,

    Heel leuk zo'n egeltje in je tuin. Hoewel ik ik tegenover een bos woon heb ik ze hier nog nooit in de tuin gehad, zou wel heel mooi zijn. Fijn dat er aandacht aan jou en je werk besteed wordt in de krant, geeft veel voldoening als je ziet dat je werk gewaardeerd wordt.


  16. Hallo Frank!
    Herzlichen Glückwunsch mit das artikel in der Zeitung!
    Der Igel in Garten ist wunderbar! Dass war naturlich ein tolles treffen! Super!
    Grüsse, Maria

  17. You have received well-deserved recognition. Nice little creature visiting your garden. Bast wishes!

  18. Hello Frank. Am I still allowed to talk to you, now that you are famous!? Those are absolutely wonderful photos of the Hedgehog. However, I hope that it does not mean that the Hedgehog had a problem - usually in UK it is thought that a Hedgehog out in daytime means that it in trouble and may be in need of medical attention. My fingers are crossed!

    With my best wishes - take good care - - - Richard

  19. Hi Frank,
    Your fame goes before you and in print, excellent you getting interviewed, well done, wonderful images of the delightful Hedgehog, I also note we both use the same hide.
    You stay safe and well during these awful times.

  20. Thank you😊I like your photoes very much
    Greetings Anita

  21. Wonderful! Many years ago I worked in a place where hedgehogs would visit our camp sites on a regular basis - the kids in the tents would squeal with excitement. We dont have them in Australia.

    Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

  22. Hallo Frank,

    The photo's of the Hedgehog are so wonderfull, nice to have him as a pet ;-).

    What a big compliment that the newspaper wrote such a nice article about you and your blog, I hope you inspire more people to look around and care for nature.

    Viele Grusse,

  23. Hello Frank, great photos of the small hedgehog! It's always exciting when animals visit your garden.
    Greetings, Jonny.

  24. Wonderful little animal - which we down have in Australia, although they have been brought from Europe to New Zealand.

    Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

  25. Hei Frank.You are so funny.But I think you have to do post soon😊😊😊

  26. En dat in je eigen tuin een prachtige ontmoeting Frank.

  27. Hallo Frank,
    Zunächst ein Kompliment für Ihren Header oben in Ihrem Blog. Schön zu sehen. Aber auch Komplimente für Ihre schöne Fotoserie des Igels. Ich habe selten so schöne und helle Bilder eines Igels gesehen. Wirklich sehr schön und ich genieße es sehr.
    Sehr schön zu lesen, dass Sie mit Ihrem Foto-Hobby in einem Artikel in der Zeitung waren :-))))) Es ist auch ein wunderbares Hobby, das wir haben.
    Herzliche Glückwünsche.

    Herzliche Grüße,

  28. Wenn Sie Fotos von Vögeln sehen möchten, teile ich Ihnen meinen Blog


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